If you suffered an injury or illness in a construction accident, contact the Liberty personal injury lawyers of House Packard McElderry, LLC immediately. You are entitled to medical and lost wage benefits for on-the-job accidents.
Workers’ compensation insurance is a type of no-fault insurance available to injured and sick employees in Missouri. You can apply for benefits to cover your medical bills and lost wages. Workers’ compensation law prohibits covered employees from collecting workers’ compensation benefits and simultaneously filing lawsuits against their employers for injuries sustained while performing work-related duties.
State law requires employers in the construction industry to provide coverage if they employ at least one construction worker, whether part-time or full-time. You can file a claim for benefits through your employer’s insurance company if you get hurt at a construction site or at any time while completing the responsibilities of your occupation.
Compensation isn’t only available for construction workers injured on the job. A range of other scenarios could entitle you to compensation from the negligent party. You might be an independent contractor who was injured due to a hazardous condition on the property. You might not have worked on the construction site but sustained an injury from fallen scaffolding as you walked by or a malfunctioning crane crashing into your apartment building window. In any of these cases, you could file a third-party claim for a settlement to compensate for your medical bills and other expenses.
At House Packard McElderry, LLC, we know the physical and financial strain of a job-related injury. If you can’t earn your usual wages due to a medical condition, you might be unable to afford your medical bills and daily living expenses. It can be overwhelming to know that you could face economic burdens and crushing medical debt while recovering from a construction accident. Our construction accident attorneys in Liberty, MO, are ready to represent you in your case and pursue the maximum available benefits or compensation on your behalf.
Call House Packard McElderry, LLC at (816) 381-9105 today for your free consultation and learn more about your rights following a workplace injury or any other injury related to a construction site.

Common Types of Construction Accidents
House Packard McElderry, LLC has experience representing people in a range of construction accidents, such as:
Construction workers often use scaffolding to complete various tasks high off the ground while working on buildings and other projects. Damaged railings, inadequate fall-protection gear, and other factors could cause the scaffolding to collapse and the employee to fall.
Flammable substances, faulty electrical components, and other hazards workers encounter on the job could spark a fire. An explosion could occur if the fire comes in contact with gases and other combustible materials.
Debilitating injuries can result from a collapsing roof or unstable working space if a worker falls to the ground below. Unsecured objects can also tumble off the roof and injure anyone walking underneath.
Structural issues, leaking water, and other problems can lead to an accident involving a roof or ceiling on a construction site.
Cranes and other large machinery construction workers use while completing projects can malfunction. Improperly maintained and repaired equipment might not be in good working condition and could injure the operator or innocent bystanders.
Someone could fall off a ladder if it contains defects or isn’t positioned and secured correctly against a wall or structure.
Construction vehicles, such as bulldozers and garbage trucks, are necessary to remove waste, transport materials, and complete difficult tasks. Although convenient for construction workers, they can pose dangers. A collision with another vehicle on the road, building, or stationary object could cause injuries to everyone involved.
Malfunctioning equipment and unsecured objects could strike a person as they walk by and lead to severe injuries.
Construction workers often work on ladders, scaffolding, roofs, and other areas high off the ground. Falling from great heights increases the risk of life-threatening injuries and fatalities.
Toxic materials are common on construction sites. Workers can inhale fumes, touch asbestos, or handle dangerous chemicals that lead to respiratory problems and diseases.
Slip/trip and fall accidents are common in many job industries. An employee might slip on a wet floor or trip over a hazard while working in a construction area and get hurt during the fall. So might any visitor to the site.
You should contact House Packard McElderry, LLC immediately after a construction accident. No matter the cause, starting medical treatment and pursuing benefits from your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer is critical. If you were not an employee when you were injured, you should still seek medical care if you were injured through no fault of your own. Lack of medical care or unnecessary delays in seeking treatment could negatively affect your case and result in a denied claim or lower payments than you deserve.
If you were injured in a construction accident, House Packard McElderry, LLC can help you file a claim.
Contact Our Attorneys
Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits
You are entitled to immediate medical benefits when you suffer an injury in a construction accident. The insurance company must pay for all costs associated with reasonable and necessary treatment of a workplace injury or illness. These expenses could include:
- Emergency care
- Surgery
- Diagnostic testing
- Rehabilitation
- Hospitalization
- Medical devices
- Doctor’s appointments
- Ambulance services
- Physical therapy
- Prescription drugs

are also available under your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. You could receive up to four different types of disability benefits depending on the severity of your injury.
Learn MoreYou might be entitled to TTD benefits if your doctor informs you that you can’t return to your job due to your injury or you must take time off from work after an operation.
The insurance company could deny your claim for TTD benefits if your physician says you can return to your job on light or modified duty and your employer accommodates these needs. However, you might qualify for a different type of disability benefit.
TTD benefit payments are 66 2/3 percent of your gross average weekly wage. State law sets a maximum payment amount you can receive each week. Coverage will continue until you finish treatment because your doctor places you at maximum medical improvement (MMI) or informs you that you can return to your job, whichever happens first.
Temporary partial disability benefits are available if you’re not eligible for TTD benefits because you can return to modified or light duty but earn less than your usual wages. Typically, coverage is available as weekly payments.
The payment amount is 66 2/3 percent of the difference between the gross average weekly wage from before the accident and the weekly pay after the accident. The maximum allowed amount for each payment is the same as temporary total disability. However, TPD only allows up to 100 weeks of paid benefits.
A permanent partial disability is an injury that permanently affects the workers’ ability to perform specific work-related duties or jobs. However, performing some type of work is possible but might not be at the same place of employment at the time of the construction accident.
Benefit payments for PPD are 66 2/3 percent of the workers’ average gross weekly earnings as of the date of suffering the injury. The maximum weekly amounts set by workers’ compensation laws apply. You could receive a lump-sum payment depending on the type and severity of your disability if you suffered a permanent partial disability.
The number of weeks you can expect to receive PPD benefit payments depends on the extent of the injury and the body part affected. A formula calculates the number of weeks for each injured body part and the disability rating the doctor provides.
For example, loss of use of an arm allows up to 232 weeks of coverage. If you were determined to have lost 50 percent of the use of your arm, you would receive benefits for up to 116 weeks.
ou could negotiate a lump-sum settlement with the workers’ compensation insurer or receive weekly payments for the rest of your life if you have a permanent total disability. A permanent total disability means you can’t return to your current job or obtain employment elsewhere.
PTD benefits are 66 2/3 percent of the worker’s average weekly wage at the time of the accident. The payment amount cannot exceed the maximum limit set by state law.
You might also be entitled to benefits for travel expenses related to your medical treatment. If you have to drive to and from doctor’s appointments outside the area of your place of employment, the workers’ compensation insurer must reimburse you for those costs.
If your loved one dies in a construction-related accident, you could recover survivor benefits from their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Only dependents are eligible to receive benefit payments. Dependents include:
- Surviving spouse
- Children under 18 years old
- Adult child serving on active duty, attending school full-time, or incapacitated from earning wages
If more than one dependent exists, they must all share the weekly benefit payments provided by the insurer. Payments are 66 2/3 percent of the deceased worker’s average weekly wage for the year prior to the on-the-job accident. Funeral expenses up to $5,000 are also available.
Contact Us
At House Packard McElderry, LLC, our Liberty construction accident attorneys are ready to file your workers’ compensation claim or appeal a denied claim. We know state laws and how to navigate the complex process of workers’ compensation cases. You can count on us to protect your rights and fight for the benefit payments you’re entitled to for your construction-related injury. If you sustained an injury in a construction accident, call House Packard McElderry, LLC at (816) 381-9105 for your free consultation.